Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 1: the smallest plane

This was my taxi to Akiachak.

Day 1: Travel travel travel.  Alaska airlines lost my bags somewhere between Seattle and Anchorage.  Switched to smaller and smaller planes, as per usual, with the above as the final leg of the trip.  Which made Alaska Airlines' attempts to negotiate how my bags would get to me out here.  Needless to say, they don't operate that last leg of things.  And my cell phone doesn't work out here.  So I'm trusting them to work out amongst themselves how to book my bags a courier flight and get them picked up at the airport and driven in to Akiachak.  We'll see, I guess.  All things considered, flying in a plane with one other passenger and a pilot in crystal-clear weather over the expanse between Bethel and Akiachak was one of the most exhilarating, moving, beautiful things I have ever experienced in my life.  Status: worth it.

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